We love solving your problems, and after recently asking you guys what you struggle with most when it comes to health and fitness the most common problem was TIME.
Time is an on going problem for many however here at Club Kingswood we feel that we have the answers to overcome any potential barriers allowing your health to improve.
Quite simple right, and something you may of heard before? We feel that a large amount of people don't set their health and fitness goals high enough. Your goals must make you uncomfortable whilst also exciting you, if your goals don't make you happy and bursting with enthusiasm we always ask the question whether your goals are right for you. After all, when goals are exciting, you can't wait to take massive action, not just now and again the want to move towards them everyday is evident.
This may sound strange but by setting that alarm just 30 minutes earlier, this creates a whopping 14 hours every single month. Yes, we all live 100mph lives now days, with jobs making us work around the clock all hours of the day, 365 days of the year. However, when your goal is BIG enough and it excites you, you look for ways to create time right? Find that time; ask yourself HOW can I make a small 30 minute window? This type of self-talk will certainly help you along your health and fitness journey.
We are big advocators of training smart apposed to training for long periods of time, beasting yourself, or even simply copying your friend or somebody else in the gym. Make sure everything that you do is moving you closer to your desired outcome. If your actions aren't it's time to ask yourself another question, why am I doing this? When you understand your outcomes things become a lot clearer. Aim to be productive, save TIME, after all this is what we are trying to create. Going to the gym doesn't have to be a two-hour exercise as our last blog post on the 15-minute workout carefully explains.
NOW it's time to action the above, we hope you have found this information useful. We love to see you progress, after any progress is positive. Have a great day and thank you once again for taking the time to read this post, have a great day from all of us her at Club Kingswood.